Day 2: Is this a scarf or an ascot?

Today I had a bad scarf day. I couldn’t for the life of me find a way to tie it on that I liked.

Alex, a guy in my play, was convinced that it was an ascot, not a scarf. I don’t even know how to tie an ascot.

I traded scarves with Emma. Emma had stolen her scarf from Sara.

Later, Alex said to me, “you didn’t even give me a birthday present!”

“Here,” I said, taking off my scarf and throwing it to him.

“Hey!” said Sara, who was next to him, “That’s MY scarf.”

Such is the story of the scarves. And it never would have happened if I hadn’t worn a scarf today, even if I couldn’t figure out how to tie it.

The scarf came from Amy, my sister. I can almost guarantee that every single day of this 30 day experiment I will wear something that Amy gave me.

It happened when I was living with Esta. One day we got a box in the mail with four beautiful scarves from Amy, and we were each supposed to pick two we liked and keep them forever and always.

I know I didn’t pay for the pink t-shirt. Amy found it and thought I would like it, especially the sleeve length, but I can’t remember if it was mom or Amy who bought it for me. Does it matter? I got it when I was a teenager, and I’ve never gotten rid of it.

Tip: Keep your clothes forever.

The skirt has been around at least five years, probably more. Mom bought it for me at a second hand store back when she still bought my clothes. Amy was along too.

Amy: Emily! It’s an Anne Taylor Loft skirt!!!

Me: Um, what’s Anne Taylor Loft?

Amy: A really fancy brand!!

I guess it was a good buy, because it has lasted me for a very long time. It’s fading though. I bought some black dye with an amazon gift card but haven’t gotten around to attempting to revive the color yet.

Tip: Learn how to dye things. (I am giving this as a tip even though I have not yet done it, which may be slightly hypocritical)

Let’s see. The vest I made. It was the first thing I ever made without a pattern and I was very very proud of it.

It was my breakthrough.

It was when I learned that I could sew, even if I was bad at following patterns and didn’t want to make a bunch of 90’s dresses with shoulder pads.

(I am not making fun of my mother’s style, I am only pointing out that the vast majority of her patterns are 90’s dresses which may or may not have shoulder pads.)

I am still very very very proud of that vest.

Socks were a gift from Mom the Christmas before last.

Shoes I spent money on. I spent 12 dollars. I needed closed-toed shoes for work, and did not want to freeze my feet in flats or wear dumpy tennis shoes.

Therefore, I bought $12 saddle shoes at payless.

It was worth the splurge. I will tell you why. THEY ARE SADDLE SHOES!!!

Old ladies say to me, “I had shoes like that when I was in high school!”

That makes me feel so happy inside.

Wow. I never knew I would have so much to say about my clothes. My clothes, of all things! Ah well, there you have it.

Endnote: Are you wondering why I was trading scarves with theater people instead of sitting in Church? Let me just say that, despite liking theater people muchly, I would rather have been in Church. Unfortunately…I didn’t have many options in that regard today.

Edit: WHYYYYYy is the picture sideways????? Tried everything to fix it. Oh well. If it bothers you badly enough you can try lying down to look at the picture and then falling asleep and then reading the rest of the post once you wake up.

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